December 29, 2022
MAYBE…….. ??
January 6, 2023
A while back, I gathered with a few of my close friends.
We came from different places in the world and have varying ways of doing style. We come from image consulting, personal style, environment and space, astrological life paths, teaching and training. We share a belief in balance, community, support, generosity, and being in our own elements. We have many years of practice and we teach, certify, work and live in this elemental way.
Our recent discussion had us wondering, “How you are feeling?” and especially, “How do you want to feel in 2023?” We acknowledged that there has been a gap in the opportunity for personal connections in the last few years.
So, to fill that gap, we designed an opportunity for a conversation on awareness and connection with interaction among participants. You have wisdom to share with each other and we want to listen to what you have to say.
On February 8th at 12:00 EST, 5pm UK, we are inviting you to a complimentary Zoom session. Bring your tea or coffee or a sparkling water or wine. We will introduce ourselves, we want to have a lively exchange, get to know each other and be guided by the question, “How do you want to feel in 2023?”
When we convene, we will be living in a question. When we end, we will have witnessed thought-provoking discussions, interacted and shared our personal wisdom and sourced some answers that will stimulate change in our lives.
We welcome your presence. We want you to participate in our conversation and experience us in action. We want to know you. Now is the time. I hope you can be with us. It will be live, and not recorded. It is a safe space for conversation and discussion.
Topic: How do you want to feel in 2023?
Time: Feb 8, 2023 10:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
5pm GMT, 12 noon ET
Join Zoom Meeting
Kindness at our core:
Ellen Schneider, Arrange to Succeed®, Feng Shui Specialist, Author arrangetosucceed.com
Sue Donnelly, LFIPI, AICI CIP, FFSM, Image Coach, Author, Speaker, Trainer suedonnelly.com
Kerry Cordero, FIT, AICI, FFSM, Image Coach, Stylist, Author of The Style Cards kerrycordero.com
Clarisse Ringwald, Retired, clarisseringwald@gmail.com
Geraldine Wijsbeek, Geraldine Wijsbeek, FFIPI, MFFS, WYEF, Master Fashion Feng Shui, Nine Star Ki Consulting & Training, Image Coach helemaalinjeelement.nl