September 25, 2020
September 30, 2020
Autumn approaches.
The leaves have become dry and are beginning to fall. Trees turn their energy inwards, taking sustenance from their precious trunks to survive the winter.
In Feng Shui, this season is represented by metal. It is the element that loves to organise, refine, upscale, find beauty. It rounds off the year before the hibernatory winter period begins. It is a time to let go of what no longer serves us, clear out the clutter, make space for the new and concentrate on quality, rather than quantity. It is the finishing point, taking stock of what has happened and what we choose to do about it.
It comes as no surprise that metal also represents the middle to old age period of our lives. We have lived. We have experiences and adventures to look back upon. As we age, we come to realise what really makes us happy. It may bear no resemblance to what we thought when we were younger. Fortune, fame, fantastic holidays, fabulous friends, a wardrobe to die for, success, status, security – the list goes on. How important are they to you now?
One thing the pandemic has shown me is what I treasure in my life. It’s uncovered the things that are precious. It’s the small things that count, for me at least. I know I’m one of the lucky ones, and for that I’m truly grateful.
What about you?