September 11, 2020
September 21, 2020
We all need inspiration at times.
Mine often comes in the form of one of my heroes. The amazing artist, Frida Kahlo.
If you don’t know who she is, then please look her up. To be brief, she survived a near fatal accident, numerous painful operations which confined her to her bed, married Diego Rivera only to find he was sleeping with her favourite sister and died way too early at the age of 47.
As she spent so much time alone, her paintings were often self- portraits. In them, she laid bare her feelings and emotions. She said she was “her own muse”.
Unique in every way, she styled herself in a mix of opposites: traditional Mexican with modern European, clashing colours and textures, piling over scale accessories on her petite body and in her hair. Her black eyebrows, already very heavy, were pencilled in so they looked like raven’s wings.
She recognised her own beauty, even though it was not a popular way to look at the time.
When I’m feeling down and lacking in self-confidence about the way I look, Frida Kahlo is the one I turn to.
Who is the hero inside of you?