November 19, 2021
December 24, 2021
With the advent of the Omicron virus, there doesn’t seem to be much to celebrate.
However, as life is short it makes sense to be grateful when you can, especially if it’s unexpected and elicits joy.
That’s what happened to me not once, but 3 times, over the last week.
Firstly, I woke up on 23rd November, International Image Consultant Day, to be told I was the recipient of the Image Industry Champion Award. Given to the member whose innovation, leadership and excellence have elevated the AICI name. Wow! I had no idea I had even been nominated. I was so thrilled. Of course, nobody ever works in a vacuum. I would not have been considered if it hadn’t been for many other people – too many to mention here – who have assisted me and made me look good. They have all been thanked.
Secondly, a journalist I had worked with many, many years ago contacted me out of the blue and asked if I’d like to be featured in Platinum. This is a popular magazine, widely available in newsagents/supermarkets, catering to the over 50’s female. The article would be about my passion for yin yoga and how it had transformed my life. As this dovetails with my work with the 5 Elements in the wardrobe, it was a fantastic opportunity for me to promote Mindful Dresser in an understated way – always my preference.
Lastly, I was invited to present abroad again – yay!!! I will hopefully be speaking in Madrid at the AICI European Conference and in Bangkok, where the lovely Coach Weena and her students will always make me feel so welcome. If you want to know what I am talking about, take a look at her wonderful YouTube promotional video:
I am keeping all my fingers, toes and anything else that is malleable crossed! Overseas travel is something I have missed so much, and I can’t wait to get back out there again.
Has anything really lovely happened to you this week? I hope so.