March 8, 2024
April 28, 2024
Many years ago, I was struggling to create content for my styling workshops.
This is nothing new, as I’m not particularly creative by nature. As fate would have it, I came across a New York Times Bestseller titled ‘The Creative Habit. Learn It and Use It For Life’. It was written by Twyla Tharp, someone I had never heard of but consequently learned was one of the biggest names in dance choreography in the world!
This book, which is a kind of guide, starts by explaining that her blank canvas is a room. A floor, which she needs to fill with colour, shape, movement etc. The practical examples are exercises used to invigorate her creative genius. They are transferable to my own blank canvas, a piece of paper or computer screen.
One of the exercises that I have used to great effect time after time is this: Pick a New Name. This is what we will be discussing in our April sessions of Coffee and Conversation.
Imagine you have changed your name. What would you call yourself? Why did you choose it? What would you want it to say about you?
These are some of the questions we will be asking – and more besides.
It’s a fascinating topic. I know, because I’ve run this exercise so many times previously with tremendously fascinating results.
You have plenty of time to ponder your new name – if you decide to change it – as our first session won’t be until Wednesday April 10th. 5pm BST, 12 noon ET. As always, you will need to register beforehand in order to receive the zoom link – here:
There will also be an earlier starting time for the second session on Wednesday 24th April. 11am Uk and 8pm Melbourne
So, please come along. The sessions have a community feel and you will be welcomed by all.
Please note that the zoom rooms close 5minutes after the start time so please ensure you are on time. The sessions are NOT recorded so you will need to be live on the call.
All are welcome in the lovely space we have created for you. Both sessions are free to attend and we look forward to seeing you.
Sue, Ellen, Clarisse, Kerry, Geraldine and Suzanne
We are a diverse, talented, and inspired group of women and we have created an inviting and spacious community, called Coffee & Conversation. We meet, with or without coffee, for talks about who we are, what we want, and how to be in balance and harmony.
We want you to join us, to listen and talk. Our goal is to share experiences, deepen our insight and extend friendship. Please bring your laughter, wisdom and kindness.
Join us to:
Dive deep
Support community
Grow your insight
Spark a friendship
Enhance your knowledge