December 24, 2021
January 11, 2022
Every year, instead of choosing a Near Year’s Resolution, I select a word (or a phrase) that will help sustain me through the 12 months ahead.
This year, I decided to revert to one I’d used previously as it seemed apt for me at this present time.
My word is Discernment.
It’s not very sexy. It’s not very joyful either. In fact it sounds a bit ‘head-mistressy’ for someone like me.
Saying that, the last time I used it I genuinely felt overjoyed by the end of the year. For one thing, I had less clutter. My mind became less clogged and I found clarity and creativity came more easily than in previous years. This enabled me to easily make decisions on what to retain in my business and what to say “goodbye” to. My diary, emails, social media and appointments calendar were deliberately scaled back to accommodate only those whose presence I truly enjoyed. This meant I was happy in my work life and my social life. As I’d spent less money on things that weren’t really necessary or loved, my bank accounts were thanking me.
Discernment helped me to evolve, as a person and a professional.
So, I’m bringing it back.
The first thing I’ve done is to rid myself of all my colourful clothing. The ONLY colourful garment I kept was the dress in the photo. I always feel radiant and cosy when I wear this dress (a mix of fire and earth, for those of who who understand Fashion Feng Shui).
It wasn’t difficult. For a long time now, the only colours speaking my language are the neutrals. My wardrobe might look boring and dull to many of you but simple silhouettes, in a myriad of textures, allow me to add the ‘twist’ I need to make it noticeable, while reflecting back exactly who I am.
If you could choose a word, what would it be and why?